
info@megaintl.ca  |  150-4840 Miller Road, Richmond BC  |  +1.604.270.0035

In the spring of 2022, Mega purchased brand new Toyota model 8FGCU25 powered lift trucks. Each machine has a lift capacity of 2200kg (5,000lbs). These new machines have proven greatly beneficial for their ease of use and reliability.
In addition to 8 new lift trucks, Mega has also purchased a Toyota model 7FGCU70 lift truck with a lift capacity of 6000kg (13,100lbs). This lift truck has 96” forks and with its high lift capacity, allows us to manage virtually any cargo we could see.
In the spring of 2022, Mega purchased four brand new Avro tractors model XT560D which are diesel powered.

The platform scales enable Mega to accurately measure all ULD’s up to 20,000 KG with an accuracy of 5kg. The scale is equipped with a computer print out. The calibration is preformed every quarter combined with a daily inspection.


In addition to our platform scales we also provide floor scales that can accommodate up to 2500kg and has an accuracy of .5kg. The scale is equipped with a computer print out. The calibration is preformed every quarter combined with a daily inspection.
